“去哪里”能不能说where are you going to?

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“去哪里”能不能说where are you going to?

2024-04-21 23:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

有同学在微信上提到了一个看起来很简单的问题:应该说where are you going? 还是where are you going to?

英语中越常见的词用法往往越复杂,上面的where就属于这种情况。实际上where are you going (to)? 这两种写法都是正确的

疑问副词where既可以表示位置,也可以表示方向。当它表示位置时,其含义为at or in what place,此时它不与介词at/in连用。比如我们应该说:Where do you live? 而不能说:Where do you live in? 这是因为此时where相当于in what place,Where do you live? 相当于 In what place do you live? 后面就不需要加介词了。

同样的道理,“你在哪”要写成:Where are you? 而不是:Where are you at?

而当where表示方向时,它的含义是to what place,此时它可以与介词to连用,也可以不和介词连用。比如:Where are you going? (你要去哪儿?)此时where表示的是“方向”,它也可以写成:Where are you going to?

又比如,要询问别人想去哪里旅游,可以说where do you want to travel? 比如纽约时报的这个标题:

也可以说:Where do you want to travel to? 比如英国独立报的标题:

类似的介词例子还有一些。要表达“你什么时候走?” 一些人会写成:When are you leaving at? 而正确说法是:When are you leaving? 因为when在这里相当于at what time,句子相当于:At what time are you leaving? 后面不需要再添加介词。

又比如:I'm looking for somewhere to store my luggage in. 句子最后的介词是多余的,因为somewhere/anywhere之前要省略介词in/at/to,比如:Can we go somewhere warm? 我们能不能去个暖和的地方?因此句子要改为:I'm looking for somewhere to store my luggage.





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